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PhD Studentship in Service Design (Feb 2016, Loughborough UK)

Website: AED Research
Deadline for applications: 5 February 2016

The School of the Arts, English and Drama at Loughborough University is pleased to announce a fully funded PhD studentship. The studentship will be paid for a period of up to three years, starting in April 2016, and will cover tuition fees at the UK/EU rate, and provide a tax-free stipend of £14,057*.

The School offers an exciting interdisciplinary research environment and we welcome the submission of high-quality proposals that have the potential to make a substantive contribution to research within the School, of particular interest are proposals that address a number of themes, including:

Service Design: Tourism Service Innovation for Empowerment of Craft Community through Social Harmony

Deadline for applications: 5th February 2016.

Initial queries should be addressed to Emma Nadin (School Postgraduate Research Administrator) who will be happy to answer queries concerning your application procedure.

Queries about the suitability of the research topic proposed can be directed to Dr. Kathy Pui Ying Lo (Academic Lead of Service Design Mini Centre for Doctoral Training).

As part of your application, you will be required to submit a detailed research proposal. This should give the title of your proposed research and a 300-700 word description of your topic. Further details about preparing a proposal can be found here.

To make an application please use the online application form and quote reference SAED15 in the funding section of the form.

* The value of the tax free stipend in years two and three will increase in line with Research Council recommended values.


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