Website: CoDesign
Deadline for intention to contribute: 15 July 2016
Special Issue of CoDesign - International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts
Guest editors:
Joanna Saad-Sulonen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Kim Halskov (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Helena Karasti (Roskilde University, Denmark; Luleå University of
Technology, Sweden; University of Oulu, Finland)
Eva Eriksson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
John Vines (Newcastle University, UK)
The theme of this special issue is participation in the design of information technology (IT). The aim is to continue and contribute to the debate around the notion of participation in Participatory Design and participatory Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research, recently invigorated by Vines et al. (2012), Halskov and Hansen (2014) and Saad-Sulonen et al. (2015). Ongoing transformations in IT mediated participation in contemporary societies at large are challenging us to explore the nature of participation in IT design. Some of the questions that emerge relate to the need to rethink notions and practices of participation temporally (e.g. ranging in scale from single projects taking place at one point in time to connected projects that occur over years as well as attend to more momentary participatory activities), and how they connect to notions of spatiality (both geographically and organizationally), offline and online participation (as a continuum of modes of participations ranging between traditional face-to-face to fully digitally mediated participation), as well as commitment to democracy and user empowerment and how these can be maintained. We invite submissions that interrogate participation by analyzing and reflecting on the ways that participation unfolds in practice, over time, in the design of IT.
Within the theme of 'Unfolding Participation over Time in the Design of IT’, authors are invited to consider (but are not limited to) the following issues and questions for this special issue:
16.5.2016: Call for submissions announced
15.7.2016: Submission deadline for intentions to contribute
26.8.2016: Notification of relevance sent to authors
15.12.2016: Full papers submission deadline
01.3.2017: Notification of accept / reject / revisions to authors
01.6.2017: Final manuscript submission deadline
15.9.2017: Final selected manuscripts to production
1) Submission of intentions to contribute
In the first instance, potential contributors are asked to send an intention to contribute (deadline 15 July 2016). This should be in the form of a document of 1000 – 1500 words that outlines the content of the paper and a concise summary of the article’s research contributions. In particular, this document should also make it clear how the authors’ intended submission relates to the overall scope and specific themes and issues of this special issue. The document should be sent by email to Dr. Joanna Saad-Sulonen () in pdf format.
The special issue editorial team will provide a short review of the intention to contribute and will notify authors whether their work is in scope of the special issue call (notifications by 26 August 2016). Submissions in scope and with a potentially strong research contribution will be invited to submit a full paper.
2) Submissions of full papers (for pre-selected authors only)
Those authors who proceed past the intention to contribute phase will be invited to submit a full paper (maximum 6500 words including tables, references, captions, footnotes and endnotes) that will be subjected to the normal review procedure of the CoDesign journal. Manuscripts should be prepared according to guidelines which can be found on the journal website (link “Instructions for Authors”). The deadline for full paper submissions is 15 December 2016.
All full paper submissions should be made online at the CoDesign Manuscript Central site. Authors should select submission to Special Issue ‘Unfolding Participation’ when uploading manuscripts.
New users will need to create an account. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the same website. All published articles will undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial guest editors screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.
Potential authors should contact Dr. Joanna Saad-Sulonen with any questions about the Special Issue.
For further Information about CoDesign go to the journal website.
Halskov, K., and Hansen, N.B: The Diversity of Participatory Design Research Practice at PDC 2002-2012. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol 74, 2015, pp. 81-92.
Saad-Sulonen, J., Halskov, K., Huybrechts, L., Vines, J., Eriksson, E., Karasti, H. (2015). Unfolding Participation. What do we mean by participation – conceptually and in practice. In Proceedings of the 5th Decennial Aarhus Conference, Critical Alternatives. Volume 2. New York: ACM. (pp. 5-8)
Vines, J., Clarke, R., Light, A., & Wright,P. (2015). The beginnings, middles and endings of participatory research in HCI: An introduction to the special issue on ‘perspectives on participation’, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 74, February 2015, pp. 77-80.
Andersen, L B., Danholt, P., Halskov, K., Brodersen Hansen, N., Lauritsen, P. (2015). Participation as a matter of concern in participatory design. CoDesign 11(3-4).
Dalsgaard, P., and Eriksson, E. (2013). Large-scale participation: a case study of a participatory approach to developing a new public library. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 399-408. DOI
DiSalvo, C., Clement, A., and Pipek, V. (2012). “Participatory Design For, With, and By Communities.” In International Handbook of Participatory Design. Simonsen, Jesper and Toni Robertson (Eds). Oxford: Routledge. 182-209.
Ehn, P. (2008). Participation in design things. Proc. PDC’08, 92-101.
Fischer, G., & Giaccardi, E. (2006). Meta-Design: A Framework for the Future of End-User Development. In H. Lieberman, F. Paternò, & V. Wulf (Eds.) End User Development – Empowering People to Flexibly Employ Advanced Information and Communication Technology (pp. 427–457). The Netherlands: Kuwer Academic Publishers.
Henderson A. & Kyng M. (1991). There is no place like home - continuing design in use. In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. (pp. 219-240). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Karasti, H. (2014) Infrastructuring in Participatory Design. In Proc. of PDC 2014. ACM Press, 141-150.
Karasti, H. and K.S. Baker (2008) Community Design: Growing One’s Own Information Infrastructure. Proc. PDC 2008, 217-220.
Karasti, H. and A-L. Syrjänen (2004) Artful infrastructuring in two cases of community PD. Proc PDC 2004, 20-30.
Oostveen, A. & van den Besselaar, P. From small scale to large scale user participation: a case study of participatory design in e-government systems. Proc. PDC‘04. ACM Press, 173-182. (2004)
Saad-Sulonen, J., Botero, A. & Kuutti, K. (2012). A long-term strategy for designing (in) the wild: lessons from the Urban Mediator and traffic planning in Helsinki. In Proceedings of DIS’12 Designing Interactive Systems (pp.166–175). New York: ACM.
Shapiro, D. (2005). Participatory Design: The will to succeed. In: Proc. 4th Decennial Conference on Critical Computing: Between sense and sensibility, ACM Press, pp. 29-38
Simonsen, J. & Hertzum, M. Participative Design and the Challenges of Large-Scale systems: Extending the Iterative PD Approach. Proc. PDC‘08. ACM Press (2008)
Deadline for intention to contribute: 15 July 2016
Special Issue of CoDesign - International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts
Guest editors:
Joanna Saad-Sulonen (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Kim Halskov (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Helena Karasti (Roskilde University, Denmark; Luleå University of
Technology, Sweden; University of Oulu, Finland)
Eva Eriksson (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
John Vines (Newcastle University, UK)
The theme of this special issue is participation in the design of information technology (IT). The aim is to continue and contribute to the debate around the notion of participation in Participatory Design and participatory Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research, recently invigorated by Vines et al. (2012), Halskov and Hansen (2014) and Saad-Sulonen et al. (2015). Ongoing transformations in IT mediated participation in contemporary societies at large are challenging us to explore the nature of participation in IT design. Some of the questions that emerge relate to the need to rethink notions and practices of participation temporally (e.g. ranging in scale from single projects taking place at one point in time to connected projects that occur over years as well as attend to more momentary participatory activities), and how they connect to notions of spatiality (both geographically and organizationally), offline and online participation (as a continuum of modes of participations ranging between traditional face-to-face to fully digitally mediated participation), as well as commitment to democracy and user empowerment and how these can be maintained. We invite submissions that interrogate participation by analyzing and reflecting on the ways that participation unfolds in practice, over time, in the design of IT.
Within the theme of 'Unfolding Participation over Time in the Design of IT’, authors are invited to consider (but are not limited to) the following issues and questions for this special issue:
- What kinds of new participatory configurations are emerging in contemporary settings?
- What temporalities and scales are associated with new participatory configurations
- How can we map, analyze and reflect on how contemporary participation is unfolding over time?
- In what ways do contemporary participatory configurations and their unfolding over time relate to the original values of participatory design (e.g. democracy, quality of working life, alternatives, and politics)?
- How can we account for the diversity of participants, including large and diverse groups of users, but also designers and researchers as participants, in the unfolding design practices over time?
16.5.2016: Call for submissions announced
15.7.2016: Submission deadline for intentions to contribute
26.8.2016: Notification of relevance sent to authors
15.12.2016: Full papers submission deadline
01.3.2017: Notification of accept / reject / revisions to authors
01.6.2017: Final manuscript submission deadline
15.9.2017: Final selected manuscripts to production
1) Submission of intentions to contribute
In the first instance, potential contributors are asked to send an intention to contribute (deadline 15 July 2016). This should be in the form of a document of 1000 – 1500 words that outlines the content of the paper and a concise summary of the article’s research contributions. In particular, this document should also make it clear how the authors’ intended submission relates to the overall scope and specific themes and issues of this special issue. The document should be sent by email to Dr. Joanna Saad-Sulonen () in pdf format.
The special issue editorial team will provide a short review of the intention to contribute and will notify authors whether their work is in scope of the special issue call (notifications by 26 August 2016). Submissions in scope and with a potentially strong research contribution will be invited to submit a full paper.
2) Submissions of full papers (for pre-selected authors only)
Those authors who proceed past the intention to contribute phase will be invited to submit a full paper (maximum 6500 words including tables, references, captions, footnotes and endnotes) that will be subjected to the normal review procedure of the CoDesign journal. Manuscripts should be prepared according to guidelines which can be found on the journal website (link “Instructions for Authors”). The deadline for full paper submissions is 15 December 2016.
All full paper submissions should be made online at the CoDesign Manuscript Central site. Authors should select submission to Special Issue ‘Unfolding Participation’ when uploading manuscripts.
New users will need to create an account. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the same website. All published articles will undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial guest editors screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.
Potential authors should contact Dr. Joanna Saad-Sulonen with any questions about the Special Issue.
For further Information about CoDesign go to the journal website.
Halskov, K., and Hansen, N.B: The Diversity of Participatory Design Research Practice at PDC 2002-2012. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol 74, 2015, pp. 81-92.
Saad-Sulonen, J., Halskov, K., Huybrechts, L., Vines, J., Eriksson, E., Karasti, H. (2015). Unfolding Participation. What do we mean by participation – conceptually and in practice. In Proceedings of the 5th Decennial Aarhus Conference, Critical Alternatives. Volume 2. New York: ACM. (pp. 5-8)
Vines, J., Clarke, R., Light, A., & Wright,P. (2015). The beginnings, middles and endings of participatory research in HCI: An introduction to the special issue on ‘perspectives on participation’, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 74, February 2015, pp. 77-80.
Andersen, L B., Danholt, P., Halskov, K., Brodersen Hansen, N., Lauritsen, P. (2015). Participation as a matter of concern in participatory design. CoDesign 11(3-4).
Dalsgaard, P., and Eriksson, E. (2013). Large-scale participation: a case study of a participatory approach to developing a new public library. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 399-408. DOI
DiSalvo, C., Clement, A., and Pipek, V. (2012). “Participatory Design For, With, and By Communities.” In International Handbook of Participatory Design. Simonsen, Jesper and Toni Robertson (Eds). Oxford: Routledge. 182-209.
Ehn, P. (2008). Participation in design things. Proc. PDC’08, 92-101.
Fischer, G., & Giaccardi, E. (2006). Meta-Design: A Framework for the Future of End-User Development. In H. Lieberman, F. Paternò, & V. Wulf (Eds.) End User Development – Empowering People to Flexibly Employ Advanced Information and Communication Technology (pp. 427–457). The Netherlands: Kuwer Academic Publishers.
Henderson A. & Kyng M. (1991). There is no place like home - continuing design in use. In J. Greenbaum & M. Kyng (Eds). Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems. (pp. 219-240). Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Karasti, H. (2014) Infrastructuring in Participatory Design. In Proc. of PDC 2014. ACM Press, 141-150.
Karasti, H. and K.S. Baker (2008) Community Design: Growing One’s Own Information Infrastructure. Proc. PDC 2008, 217-220.
Karasti, H. and A-L. Syrjänen (2004) Artful infrastructuring in two cases of community PD. Proc PDC 2004, 20-30.
Oostveen, A. & van den Besselaar, P. From small scale to large scale user participation: a case study of participatory design in e-government systems. Proc. PDC‘04. ACM Press, 173-182. (2004)
Saad-Sulonen, J., Botero, A. & Kuutti, K. (2012). A long-term strategy for designing (in) the wild: lessons from the Urban Mediator and traffic planning in Helsinki. In Proceedings of DIS’12 Designing Interactive Systems (pp.166–175). New York: ACM.
Shapiro, D. (2005). Participatory Design: The will to succeed. In: Proc. 4th Decennial Conference on Critical Computing: Between sense and sensibility, ACM Press, pp. 29-38
Simonsen, J. & Hertzum, M. Participative Design and the Challenges of Large-Scale systems: Extending the Iterative PD Approach. Proc. PDC‘08. ACM Press (2008)
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