Dates: 5-9 September 2016
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Website: CMC2016
Deadline for submissions: EXTENDED 6 May 2016
CMC is the premier venue for presenting innovative experiences and research related to concept mapping attracting every two years a large number of high quality submissions and participants from a broad range of fields, from both industry and academia. It is aimed at all persons interested in the use of concept maps (based on the work of Dr. Joseph Novak), including, but not limited to: facilitation of learning; eliciting, capturing, archiving, and using "expert" knowledge; planning instruction; assessment of "deep" understandings; research planning; collaborative knowledge modeling; creation of "knowledge portfolios"; curriculum design; eLearning, and administrative and strategic planning and monitoring.
In this announcement we present the Languages in which presentations will be accepted, the Categories of submissions, the Submission Dates, and a general overview of the Conference Program.
CMC2016 offers the opportunity for presentations in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
CMC2016's official language is English. However, one of the parallel sessions will include simultaneous translation of oral presentations from Spanish and Portuguese to English. So a number of oral presentations papers will be accepted in Spanish or Portuguese for this session. Posters and Innovative Experiences can also be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese. However, the rest of the conference will be held in English with no translation.
Presentation Categories
Presentation categories include:
Oral Presentations (with paper)
Virtual Presentations (with paper)
Poster Presentation (with paper)
Poster Presentation (without paper)
Virtual Poster Presentation (with paper)
Virtual Poster Presentation (without paper)
Presentations of Innovative Experiences (without paper)
All submissions will be evaluated and selected by the Program Committee.
Virtual presentations are provided for authors who beforehand know they will not be able to attend, but want their contribution to be part of the conference. Each category is explained below.
Oral Presentations with Paper: Full papers are reports of completed research accepted by a panel of experts and peers (the Program Committee) and will be published in the conference proceedings. There are three categories for papers: (a) empirical research, (b) model or theory development, and (c) theorizing from the literature. The time allotted for each session is 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation/10 minutes discussion). Audience participation, as a principle of adult education, is stressed. Full papers submissions have a length of up to 8 pages. Authors of accepted Oral Presentations with Paper are expected to physically attend the conference to present their paper in order for the paper to be included in the Proceedings and as part of the Program. Papers submitted but not accepted for Oral Presentation may be recommended accepted as a Poster Presentation with Paper.
Virtual Presentations with Paper: Full papers are reports of completed research accepted by a panel of experts and peers (the Program Committee) and will be published in the conference proceedings. There are three categories for papers: (a) empirical research, (b) model or theory development, and (c) theorizing from the literature. Full papers submissions have a length of up to 8 pages. This category is specific for authors who know they will not be able to physical attend the conference. Authors, in addition to submitting the final version of their Paper, must submit a Power Point (or equivalent) presentation (with audio) or a video that will be uploaded to the conference Web site. The presentation will therefore be accessible for all participants during and after the conference. There will not be on-line or remote presentations by the author.
Poster Presentations with Paper: The posters will form a visual display prepared by conference participants describing a research initiative, program, pedagogical model, and/or best practice on how concept mapping is applied in a variety of settings. Poster presentations serve as an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate ideas, research, and programs. Poster papers should have a maximum length of 4 pages and will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted Poster Presentations with Paper are expected to physically attend the conference to present and explain their poster in order for the poster to be included in the Proceedings and as a part of the Program.
Poster Presentations without Paper: Posters that do not include a formal paper will also be accepted for presentation at the conference. Participants can submit a 500 word abstract if they are interested in presenting a poster without writing a formal paper. Authors of accepted Poster Presentations without Paper are expected to attend the conference to present and explain their poster.
Virtual Poster Presentations with Paper: The posters will form a visual display prepared by conference participants describing a research initiative, program, pedagogical model, and/or best practice on how concept mapping is applied in a variety of settings. Poster presentations serve as an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate ideas, research, and programs. Poster papers should have a maximum length of 4 pages and will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted Virtual Poster Presentations with Paper should submit a PDF file with their poster, which will be printed by the organizing committee and included as part of the poster displays.
Virtual Poster Presentations without Paper: Posters that do not include a formal paper will also be accepted for presentation at the conference. Participants can submit a 500 word abstract if they are interested in presenting a poster without writing a formal paper. Authors of accepted Virtual Poster Presentations without Paper should submit a PDF file with their poster, which will be printed by the organizing committee and included as part of the poster displays.
Innovative Experiences: Sessions will include 15 minute presentations of Innovative Experiences in the use of concept mapping, whether its in the classroom, in industry, in organizations, or personal uses. Teachers are encourage to share innovative ways of introducing or using concept mapping with their students;, for curriculum design, etc. Practitioners are encouraged to present innovative uses of concept mapping in organizations, corporations, industry, consulting, etc. Measured, quantitative or qualitative results are not needed, as the focus is on sharing experiences, not research results. Authors need to submit a one-page description of their Innovative Experience. Authors of accepted Innovative Experiences are expected to physical attend the conference to present their work.
Authors of all accepted submissions, whether for physical presentations or virtual presentations, need to pay the corresponding conference fee for the submission to be included in the Proceedings (where appropriate) and included in the Academic Program of the conference. Virtual presentations pay a reduced fee.
All submissions will be done electronically through the CMC2016 website. The Proceedings of the Conference will be published as a book and posted on the Conference web site.
Submission Dates
Early Submission
CMC2016 includes an Early Submission date for authors that need an early response to their paper submission. Authors who require a longer period of time to obtain financial support to participate in CMC should consider the Early Submission. Proposals accepted during the Early Submission process don't need to submit again during the regular submission process.
Early Submission Deadline: April 1, 2016
Early Submission Notification of Acceptance: April 18, 2016
Submission Deadline: For all proposals and papers: April 29, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: May 27, 2016
Final Camera-ready Submissions: June 24, 2016
Instructions on how to prepare and submit a proposal will be published shortly.
Please contact us at the address below for any further information.
Priit Reiska, Tallinn University, Estonia
Alberto J. Cañas, Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, USA
Co-Chairs, Organizing Committee
CMC2016 follows on the success of the first six Conferences held in Pamplona (Spain), San José (Costa Rica), Tallinn (Estonia) / Helsinki (Finland), Viña del Mar (Chile), Valletta (Malta) and Santos (Brazil) in bringing together scholars and practitioners from all over the world interested in concept mapping. It is being organized by Tallinn University (Estonia) and the IHMC (USA).
Exciting Agenda for CMC2016, the 7th International Conference on Concept Mapping. In addition to a great academic program, don't miss 3 days in Tallinn, Estonia, plus a cruise to Stockholm, Sweden included as part of the conference.
Agenda includes:
Sept. 5-6: Conference days in Tallinn (Nordic Hotel Forum)
Sept. 7: Conference morning in Tallinn, afternoon in cruise ship (ship leaves ~6pm to Stockholm)
Sept. 7: Evening Conference event at cruise ship
Sept. 8: "Mapping" Stockholm
Sept. 8: Evening Conference event at cruise ship
Sept. 9: Arrive back in Tallinn ~ 10am
Sept. 9: Workshops
More information will be posted at the CMC website. All proceedings from previous conferences are available on-line here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter or email us.
Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Website: CMC2016
Deadline for submissions: EXTENDED 6 May 2016
CMC is the premier venue for presenting innovative experiences and research related to concept mapping attracting every two years a large number of high quality submissions and participants from a broad range of fields, from both industry and academia. It is aimed at all persons interested in the use of concept maps (based on the work of Dr. Joseph Novak), including, but not limited to: facilitation of learning; eliciting, capturing, archiving, and using "expert" knowledge; planning instruction; assessment of "deep" understandings; research planning; collaborative knowledge modeling; creation of "knowledge portfolios"; curriculum design; eLearning, and administrative and strategic planning and monitoring.
In this announcement we present the Languages in which presentations will be accepted, the Categories of submissions, the Submission Dates, and a general overview of the Conference Program.
CMC2016 offers the opportunity for presentations in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
CMC2016's official language is English. However, one of the parallel sessions will include simultaneous translation of oral presentations from Spanish and Portuguese to English. So a number of oral presentations papers will be accepted in Spanish or Portuguese for this session. Posters and Innovative Experiences can also be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese. However, the rest of the conference will be held in English with no translation.
Presentation Categories
Presentation categories include:
Oral Presentations (with paper)
Virtual Presentations (with paper)
Poster Presentation (with paper)
Poster Presentation (without paper)
Virtual Poster Presentation (with paper)
Virtual Poster Presentation (without paper)
Presentations of Innovative Experiences (without paper)
All submissions will be evaluated and selected by the Program Committee.
Virtual presentations are provided for authors who beforehand know they will not be able to attend, but want their contribution to be part of the conference. Each category is explained below.
Oral Presentations with Paper: Full papers are reports of completed research accepted by a panel of experts and peers (the Program Committee) and will be published in the conference proceedings. There are three categories for papers: (a) empirical research, (b) model or theory development, and (c) theorizing from the literature. The time allotted for each session is 30 minutes (20 minutes presentation/10 minutes discussion). Audience participation, as a principle of adult education, is stressed. Full papers submissions have a length of up to 8 pages. Authors of accepted Oral Presentations with Paper are expected to physically attend the conference to present their paper in order for the paper to be included in the Proceedings and as part of the Program. Papers submitted but not accepted for Oral Presentation may be recommended accepted as a Poster Presentation with Paper.
Virtual Presentations with Paper: Full papers are reports of completed research accepted by a panel of experts and peers (the Program Committee) and will be published in the conference proceedings. There are three categories for papers: (a) empirical research, (b) model or theory development, and (c) theorizing from the literature. Full papers submissions have a length of up to 8 pages. This category is specific for authors who know they will not be able to physical attend the conference. Authors, in addition to submitting the final version of their Paper, must submit a Power Point (or equivalent) presentation (with audio) or a video that will be uploaded to the conference Web site. The presentation will therefore be accessible for all participants during and after the conference. There will not be on-line or remote presentations by the author.
Poster Presentations with Paper: The posters will form a visual display prepared by conference participants describing a research initiative, program, pedagogical model, and/or best practice on how concept mapping is applied in a variety of settings. Poster presentations serve as an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate ideas, research, and programs. Poster papers should have a maximum length of 4 pages and will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted Poster Presentations with Paper are expected to physically attend the conference to present and explain their poster in order for the poster to be included in the Proceedings and as a part of the Program.
Poster Presentations without Paper: Posters that do not include a formal paper will also be accepted for presentation at the conference. Participants can submit a 500 word abstract if they are interested in presenting a poster without writing a formal paper. Authors of accepted Poster Presentations without Paper are expected to attend the conference to present and explain their poster.
Virtual Poster Presentations with Paper: The posters will form a visual display prepared by conference participants describing a research initiative, program, pedagogical model, and/or best practice on how concept mapping is applied in a variety of settings. Poster presentations serve as an effective forum for the exchange of information and a means to communicate ideas, research, and programs. Poster papers should have a maximum length of 4 pages and will be published in the conference proceedings. Authors of accepted Virtual Poster Presentations with Paper should submit a PDF file with their poster, which will be printed by the organizing committee and included as part of the poster displays.
Virtual Poster Presentations without Paper: Posters that do not include a formal paper will also be accepted for presentation at the conference. Participants can submit a 500 word abstract if they are interested in presenting a poster without writing a formal paper. Authors of accepted Virtual Poster Presentations without Paper should submit a PDF file with their poster, which will be printed by the organizing committee and included as part of the poster displays.
Innovative Experiences: Sessions will include 15 minute presentations of Innovative Experiences in the use of concept mapping, whether its in the classroom, in industry, in organizations, or personal uses. Teachers are encourage to share innovative ways of introducing or using concept mapping with their students;, for curriculum design, etc. Practitioners are encouraged to present innovative uses of concept mapping in organizations, corporations, industry, consulting, etc. Measured, quantitative or qualitative results are not needed, as the focus is on sharing experiences, not research results. Authors need to submit a one-page description of their Innovative Experience. Authors of accepted Innovative Experiences are expected to physical attend the conference to present their work.
Authors of all accepted submissions, whether for physical presentations or virtual presentations, need to pay the corresponding conference fee for the submission to be included in the Proceedings (where appropriate) and included in the Academic Program of the conference. Virtual presentations pay a reduced fee.
All submissions will be done electronically through the CMC2016 website. The Proceedings of the Conference will be published as a book and posted on the Conference web site.
Submission Dates
Early Submission
CMC2016 includes an Early Submission date for authors that need an early response to their paper submission. Authors who require a longer period of time to obtain financial support to participate in CMC should consider the Early Submission. Proposals accepted during the Early Submission process don't need to submit again during the regular submission process.
Early Submission Deadline: April 1, 2016
Early Submission Notification of Acceptance: April 18, 2016
Submission Deadline: For all proposals and papers: April 29, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: May 27, 2016
Final Camera-ready Submissions: June 24, 2016
Instructions on how to prepare and submit a proposal will be published shortly.
Please contact us at the address below for any further information.
Priit Reiska, Tallinn University, Estonia
Alberto J. Cañas, Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, USA
Co-Chairs, Organizing Committee
CMC2016 follows on the success of the first six Conferences held in Pamplona (Spain), San José (Costa Rica), Tallinn (Estonia) / Helsinki (Finland), Viña del Mar (Chile), Valletta (Malta) and Santos (Brazil) in bringing together scholars and practitioners from all over the world interested in concept mapping. It is being organized by Tallinn University (Estonia) and the IHMC (USA).
Exciting Agenda for CMC2016, the 7th International Conference on Concept Mapping. In addition to a great academic program, don't miss 3 days in Tallinn, Estonia, plus a cruise to Stockholm, Sweden included as part of the conference.
Agenda includes:
Sept. 5-6: Conference days in Tallinn (Nordic Hotel Forum)
Sept. 7: Conference morning in Tallinn, afternoon in cruise ship (ship leaves ~6pm to Stockholm)
Sept. 7: Evening Conference event at cruise ship
Sept. 8: "Mapping" Stockholm
Sept. 8: Evening Conference event at cruise ship
Sept. 9: Arrive back in Tallinn ~ 10am
Sept. 9: Workshops
More information will be posted at the CMC website. All proceedings from previous conferences are available on-line here. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter or email us.
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