
Breaking News

DIS2016 Doctoral Consortium (June 2016, Brisbane Australia)

Date: 4 June 2016
Location: Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
Website: DIS2016 DC
Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2016

DIS2016 Doctoral Consortium provides current doctoral candidates unique opportunities to present their projects to, receive feedback from, and engage in exchanges with researchers and peers in design-related fields from around the world, in a stimulating, open, and safe environment.


1. Check if you’re eligible.

You must be enrolled in a design-related discipline as a doctoral candidate at the time of submitting your application and the event. You will get most value from attending if you are already in possession of a clear direction for your thesis and have not yet finished your research, but people at other stages may be considered. We are expecting to take up to 10 people.

2. Prepare and submit your proposal.

Submit a single pdf documents including the following, via email to

  • A 2-page extended abstract of your PhD using SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format. Please use extended abstract in US letter (not A4).
  • A short CV (1 page).
  • A list of three key readings that have influenced your PhD, with a short description for each reading (max 1 page).
  • A brief statement of support from your PhD supervisor, which includes a statement of where you are in your PhD process.
  • A commitment to do the requested preparation ahead of attending.

3. Wait for the confirmation.

Participation in the Doctoral Consortium will be limited to candidates who have been accepted into the Consortium. You will be notified of the outcome by March 18, 2016.

4. Register for DIS 2016.

Register for DIS 2016; the early-bird period ends May 8, 2016. Registration to DC is free of charge to the invited participants. If you are presenting and/or participating in any other part of the conference, you will need to pay the student conference registration.

5. Come and join us!

Pack your bags and come to Brisbane! We will circulate readings and other necessary information before the event. Sneak preview: it will involve four hosts (including the DC Chairs and two more, super-exciting, people from the world of designing interactive systems) and require active participation from all.

If you have any questions, please contact the DC Chairs, Ann Light and Jaz Choi at:


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