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Design Thinking Research Symposium 11 (Nov 2016, Copenhagen Denmark)

Dates: 13-15 November 2016
Location: Copenhagen Business School in Copenhagen, Denmark
Website: DTRS11
Deadline for research brief: 1 February 2016

DTRS11 is an interdisciplinary symposium linking international academics with a shared interest in design thinking and design studies coming from a diversity of disciplines, including psychology, anthropology, linguistics, philosophy, architecture, and design studies. Through the years many of the events in the DTRS series has followed a unique setup in that a shared dataset provides a common frame of reference. True to this tradition DTRS11 invites international academics and researchers with a shared interest in design studies to analyze a shared video based dataset using their specific perspectives and methodologies.

The dataset consist of multiple hours of video and audio recordings done in-vivo in an organizational setting, following a single professional design team solving a specific design task for their employer over a couple of months. The shared dataset serves as an ideal platform for in-depth studies of design thinking; how professional designers think and behave; how they plan and conduct creative design processes; and how they integrate co-creation and user involvement in a specific international design project. Details on the case company will follow once the research teams sign confidentiality agreements in order to gain access to the shared dataset (January 2016). The data set will be ready for distribution start of February 2016.

At this point we invite you to express your interest in getting access to the dataset once it is ready (by emailing, and potentially submit a paper for DTRS11.


1st of February: Deadline for submission of research brief and access to shared dataset.
29th of March: Deadline for submission of research proposal.
30th of September: Deadline for submission of final paper.
13th - 15th of November: Design Thinking Research Symposium 11.


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