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Design Studies: Call for Special Issue papers Topic: Design Processes in Service Innovation (mid 2017)

Deadline for extended abstracts: 1 February 2016

Although design has a long and strong history in working for the service sector, only over the last two decades have these efforts become more established as a new discipline in designing: service design. The coming-of-age of the discipline has coincided with the advent of new digital and networking technologies that have transformed both the design process and the resulting service innovations. As a result, there has been a growing entanglement of manufacturing and service operations, with many new types of services and product-service systems coming to market.

It is in this context that Design Studies places its call for papers on design processes in service innovation. Which design processes and methodologies are supportive of innovation in services? How is technology affecting design processes in service innovation? How is service design different from innovation processes originally conceived for product design? How can design be practiced in traditional industries that are becoming more service-oriented? (Or vice versa, does design in traditional service sectors contribute to a productisation of operations?)

The present call invites contributions from experts in service design from various fields, such as industrial design, engineering, marketing, operations and economics. Following the types of questions described above, papers can be conceptual, descriptive of current design practices, or action-oriented towards new standards of design processes.

As a young developing discipline, service design is still in a process of defining its own scope and of setting its boundaries. For this reason, we will accept papers on a wide range of service design practices. Thus, we invite work on topics as far apart as user and provider experiences of services, social relations in services, the planning of service co-production, designing services in innovation networks, the design of technical infrastructures for service delivery, tools and methods for the orchestration of service touchpoints, etc. Over this wide range of topics, the criterion for admission will be a focus on design processes in the innovation of services, i.e. how these processes lead to some form of material change in our world.

Extended abstract (1000-1500 words) deadline: 1 February 2016
Notification of abstracts selected for full paper submission: 1March 2016
Full paper deadline: 1 August 2016
Expected date of publication: Mid 2017

Instructions for authors
Potential contributors are invited to submit an extended abstract ranging from 1000 to 1500 words outlining the papers content, orientation to the topic and contribution to the literature. Based on an initial evaluation of these abstracts, the editors will invite a selection of authors to submit full papers, which will undergo the regular review procedure of Design Studies. Extended abstracts should be sent to in DOC, DOCX, or PDF file formats.

Full papers must be prepared according to the Design Studies guidelines, which can be found at the journal website ( - link Guide for Authors). Submissions of invited full papers will be made online through the journals submission system ( - link Submit Your Paper).

Guest Editors
Fernando Secomandi
Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Dirk Snelders
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands


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